You Know You’re From South Tampa When…

We asked some South Tampa residents to help us fill in this question about our, sometimes peculiar, lifestyle and habits

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You hear F-16’s buzzing your neighborhood.

–       Bill B.

Any place north of Kennedy Boulevard is too far to drive.

–       Donna L.

You know the meaning of SOG City, you know what or where SoHo is and you know about Redneck Riviera.

–       Jennifer W.

You’ve seen Derek Jeter at every Starbucks in the area.

You’ve become accustomed to the smell of Bayshore Boulevard.

–       Jonathan M.

You know what streets to avoid after a bad rainstorm.

–       Ana W.


When you take vacation for Gasparilla.

–       Francesca

When you consider Bayshore Boulevard your gym

–       Angela F.


When you refer to Port Tampa as Rattle Snake Point.

–       Jeffrey J.

When every special occasion requires a Wright’s cake… and a dinner at Bern’s Steakhouse.

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When you find yourself craving the red sauce from Malio’s Steak House.


When you have a box in your garage labeled “Gasparilla decorations.”

–       Pam Iorio, former Tampa Mayor

When you’re surprised that the restaurant doesn’t have salt and pepper shakers from Alessi’s.

When every celebration must be spent with a few drinks in SoHo.

When the first thing you do when the fall football schedule is announced is circle the Plant/Robinson game.

You still refer to the Tampa Bay Times Forum as the Ice Palace.

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When every introduction is followed with an oral of your family tree.

–       Denise Chavez, owner of Chavez at Home

If your education consisted of the following tract: Mitchell, Wilson, Plant, UF.

Your home is getting close to the century mark in age.

You call the Sykes building the “Beer Can” building.

You take your dog to Davis Islands to run around

When you cut school to go walk around Ybor City, even though your parents specifically told you not to ever do that.

You’ve used the University of Tampa and Curtis Hixon Park as the backdrop for family or personal photos.

It’s normal to see rowing teams paddling down the Channel.

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