Career Fit One

December 2, 2013 | | Categories: Uncategorized | Tags: No tags found.

Want to find your career direction?

It’s common for young men and women to ponder what they want to be when they grow up. But even as adults, we often ask these questions throughout the course of our life. Career Fit One Founder Lee Bell calls it The 8 Turning Points of Adult Life.

  1. High school to college (17-18 years old)
  2. College to work world (22 to 25 years old)
  3. Age 30 assessment (28 to 33 years old)
  4. The midlife transition (38 to 45 years old)
  5. Age 50 assessment (50 to 55 years old)
  6. Pre-retirement transition (60 to 65 years old)
  7. Age 70 assessment (70 to 75 years old)
  8. Senior transition (80 to 85 years old)

Bell is here to coach you through your life’s turning points and help you maximize your opportunity for change. Whether you need help deciding which college major to seek, you’re looking for a new suitable career path, or you’re transitioning out of a life-long job and into an encore career, Career Fit One will bring light to your natural abilities, interests and values, regardless of your current stage of life.

Lee is a certified Highlands Ability Battery affiliate and a Strong Interest Inventory® practitioner. He’s active in the business community and with local organization and uses a wide network of contacts to keep on top of the trends and opportunities. Schedule your one-on-one consultation and learn how you can experience happiness and personal fulfillment in your career path.

Career Assessment Coaching For:

  • High school to college major
  • College to career
  • Military to civilian career
  • New career
  • Career promotion
  • Leadership
  • Retirement to encore career